Almanaque - Edição 45 - setembro de 2011Para pensar: Harmonia universal Os textos apresentados nesta seção foram retirados de obras do Racionalismo Cristão disponíveis gratuitamente na seção "Biblioteca" do site www.racionalismocristao.orgNa grandiosa obra da Inteligência Universal tudo se encadeia num sentido harmonioso. Nas sábias leis que conduzem à perfeição e produzem desde o insignificante grão de areia, o pequenino inseto, o microscópico átomo, aos grandes astros dispersos no infinito, constituindo o Universo, tudo toma o estado preciso ao meio e às correntes fluídicas, para o estabelecimento de uma vida em harmonia com as irrevogáveis leis da natureza. As leis naturais que regem o Universo, de elevadíssima sabedoria, que surpreendem o ser humano, encerram todos os conhecimentos, decorrem de uma seqüência lógica no processo da evolução, confirmam todas as ciências materiais e explicam todos os fenômenos. No estudo desses princípios, é mister compreender que novas causas, novos efeitos cercam incessantemente o estudioso, envolvendo-o e ligando-o pelo pensamento a todos os seres inteligentes, corpóreos e incorpóreos, transmitindo-lhe por intuição impressões do mundo espiritual, permitindo-lhe sentir melhor as vibrações do bem e do mal. PRÁTICA DO RACIONALISMO CRISTÃO, 13ª edição, p. 87, Rio de Janeiro, 2009. Humor
Muito abatido, enfermo recebe visita do médico. – Olá! Tenho duas notícias, uma boa e uma ruim. Qual você quer ouvir primeiro? – A boa. – Você vai para o céu! Passatempo Enxame de abelhas
Resposta da edição anterior: A filha tem 1 ano; o filho, 5; o agricultor, 50 e sua mulher, 25. Melhore seu vocabulário em inglês O texto a seguir foi composto com base nas 500 palavras mais usadas em inglês. Aproveite para rever seu vocabulário. Coloque o mouse sobre as palavras em vermelho para ver a tradução.Dead man's mark (Parte 2 de 2) When Halliday's father came to the town (the headman told them) he was tired and ill. The people took care of him for a long time but at last he died. When he died, they put him on a big fire because they always burnt their dead. But they kept his papers. The headman still had these in a box. He gave them to Halliday. So Halliday's father was dead. Halliday was sorry to hear this but now he knew the answer to his question. He was ready to go back to England and be a doctor all his life. The three men stayed with the people of the forest for some time. Moorhouse made a lot of notes about the plants and flowers that he found there. Lovell went into the forest to see the animals. There were many kinds of animals there and he wanted to write a book about them. But one day he went into the forest and did not come back. They looked everywhere for him but they never found him. After that, Halliday and Moorhouse got ready for the journey back to Bassoko. Before they started they thanked the people and gave them many things. Their troubles soon started. It began to rain hard and after a time they lost their way. They could not find the marks on the trees that Lovell told them to make. But they did not stop. They did not want to die in the forest. They still had some food but not very much. And they were not as strong as before. Moorhouse was sometimes ill. All the time the two men were thinking: " Shall we ever get out of this forest alive?" Halliday often thought: "What shall I do if Moorhouse has to stop? Shall I leave him here? Or shall I stay with him?" He did not know. He worked hard and often he cut a way for the two of them through the forest. Moorhouse could not work hard any more. Halliday was always afraid. He was afraid now as they sat by the fire that night. "I must stop thinking about these things," he said to himself. He took out the notebook that he always carried with him and began to write in it. He wrote about the day's journey. When he finished he turned to Moorhouse and said: "Tomorrow is New Year's Day. Did you know?" Moorhouse laughed sadly. "So today is the last day of the year, is it?" he said. "It may be the last day of my life, too. Who knows?" " Don't talk like that," said Halliday. "Tomorrow the New Year begins. New life comes with the New Year." But he did not believe this himself. Not far off he heard the noise of the animals again. He put some more wood on the fire and tried to go to sleep. The next morning Moorhouse was very ill. He could not even stand up. "This is the end for me," said Moorhouse. " Leave me here. You can't carry me." This was true. Moorhouse was a big man. But Halliday did not want to leave his friend alone in the forest. He thought about this for a long time. But at last he said "You're right. If I stay here with you, no one will save us. I must try to get out of the forest. There I'll be able to get some help." He got a lot of wood for Moorhouse. He did not want the fire to go out. He left him most of the food. He left him the gun too. After that he set out alone through the forest. The work of cutting a way through the forest made Halliday very tired. He wanted to sleep but still he did not stop. Then he came to a part of the forest without many trees. He looked about him. At first he could not believe his eyes. There, on one of the trees, was a mark. There were marks on the other trees on all sides. And there was only one mark on each tree. So he was only one day's journey from the end of the forest! After that Halliday did not stop again. Halliday soon got out of the forest. As soon as he met some men, he told them about Moorhouse. He gave them a lot of money and they were ready to come with him into the forest. When they found Moorhouse, he was still alive. The men helped to carry him out of the forest. In this way Moorhouse was saved. When at last Halliday came back to England, he took his father's papers and wrote a book. Everyone wanted to read it because they still remembered the name of the man who went into the forest alone and did not come back. Halliday himself never went into a forest again. He was happy to stay in England and be a doctor. But he often thought about his journey through the African forest and the marks that his dead friend Lovell made on the trees - the marks that saved the lives of two men. Para mais histórias, clique AQUI. As 1001 noites - Destino ou merecimento?
Após gastar os dez dinares, recaí na miséria anterior. Dez meses depois, os dois amigos vieram visitar-me para verificar quem deles tinha acertado. Recebi-os com olhos baixos, e disse-lhes: "O destino continuou a antagonizar-me, e estou em piores condições do que antes." E contei-lhes o que havia acontecido. Saadi sorriu maliciosamente pela decepção do amigo. Mas Saad disse-me: "Não duvido de tuas palavras, embora possa suspeitar que gastaste os duzentos dinares na devassidão. Seja como for, não quero deixar meu amigo Saadi triunfar tão facilmente. Eis outros duzentos dinares de ouro. Tenta novamente a sorte, e não vás escondê-los no teu turbante." E foram embora.
Para ler o texto completo, clique AQUI. Efemérides 17 set 1826: Georg Friedrich Bernhard RiemannMatemático alemão nascido em Hannover. Foi um dos matemáticos mais criativos do século 19. Suas ideias relativas à geometria do espaço tiveram profunda influência no desenvolvimento da física teórica moderna e proporcionou os fundamentos para os conceitos e métodos usados posteriormente na teoria da relatividade. Faleceu em Selasca, Itália, em 20 de julho de 1866. 20 set 1900: Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco Nascido em Fortaleza. Foi presidente (militar) do Brasil de 15 de abril de 1964 a 15 de março de 1967. Faleceu em Fortaleza, em 18 de julho de 1967. 22 set 1791: Michael Faraday Físico e químico inglês, nascido em Newington, foi um dos maiores cientistas experimentais de todos os tempos. Descobriu o princípio do motor elétrico e construiu um; descobriu o fenômeno da indução eletro-magnética. Foi o primeiro a liquifazer o cloro. Fabricou o primeiro dínamo, estabeleceu as leis da eletrólise, descobriu que um campo magnético gira o plano de polarização da luz, etc. Faleceu em Hampton Court, Inglaterra, em 25 de agosto de 1867. 29 set 1901: Enrico Fermi Físico italiano nascido em Roma. Foi um dos cientistas que inauguraram a chamada era nuclear. Ganhou o prêmio Nobel de Física de 1938 pelo seu descobrimento das reações nucleares induzidas por nêutrons. Conseguiu realizar a primeira fissão nuclear controlada em Chicago e trabalhou no projeto da bomba atômica em Los Alamos. Desenvolveu a matemática estatística necessária para esclarecer vários fenômenos subatômicos (estatística de Fermi-Dirac). Faleceu em Chicago, em 28 de novembro de 1954. 30 set 1870: Jean Baptiste Perrin Físico francês nascido em Lille. Estudou o movimento browniano e confirmou a natureza atômica da matéria. Por esse trabalho, ganhou o prêmio Nobel de Física de 1926. Foi capaz de estimar o tamanho dos átomos e moléculas assim como sua quantidade em um dado volume. Faleceu em New York, em 17 de abril de 1942.
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