Valdir Aguilera
 Físico e pesquisador



The Astral Planes

Valdir Aguilera


The subject we are going to discuss is presented in a way that stimulates the reader's imagination and encourages further study. We intend to present some ideas - inspired in large part by the teachings of Christian Rationalism - and indicate ways to develop them. The subject is simpler than it seems, but it requires patience and willingness of the reader to delve into analysis and reflection. The central theme that we will be developing are astral planes or dimensions. We will also investigate how they interpenetrate and how to access them.

In the end, we offer a small bibliography for the benefit of those who intend to complete and unfold the ideas presented here.

The composition of the universe

The universe is infinite, in space and time. We cannot locate it, since to locate something it is necessary to refer to another. For example, to locate the Moon in the solar system, we can make a reference to planet Earth. If we want to say where Earth is, we have to refer to the Sun and this to the galaxy that includes the solar system. And what would we refer to if we wanted to locate the universe? We would have to look for a referential outside the universe and this would lead us to a contradiction, because if this referential exists, it will logically be immersed in the universe itself. The universe is therefore non-localizable. Moreover, it was never created and will not cease to exist. It is however, in constant transformation, in a true cosmic dance. Today's universe is not the same as yesterday's universe. The universe is made up of worlds, or astral planes. All of them are interpenetrated by force and matter. There is not a single point in the universe, however small, without the presence of force and matter.

In each of these astral worlds, forces have a degree of evolution and matter has its own density. As the force is always acting on the matter, producing phenomena, in each astral plane it acts in a different type of matter, that is, of different density, according to its degree of evolution. The generic name given to matter that permeates space is fluidic matter, or quintessential. Matter that forms the bodies of the physical worlds (atoms, molecules, etc.) is said to be organized matter [1].

As the force evolves, it begins to belong to superior worlds and to act in matter of decreasing density, proper of these worlds.

How many astral planes are there? Maybe a myriad of them. We do not know. But each of them contains all the other planes inferior to it and is contained in the planes that are superior to it. The forces acting on a particular astral plane can also act on the inferior planes, but cannot act on superior planes, for the forces always act on matter and that matter is of the astral planes to which those forces belong. For example, a spirit, incarnated or not, acts on his astral body and the latter is composed of matter of its own world.

To act on inferior planes, force needs to manipulate denser matter, coarser than that of its own world. And this is arduous for force. On the other hand, to act in matter less and less dense, that is, of superior planes, force must be able to vibrate at higher and higher frequencies. Tuning and enriching their frequencies is what means evolution of force [2].

Force evolves in school-worlds. The plane containing Earth is one of those school-worlds. In it spirits of the first seventeen classes evolve. Spirits of the upper classes make their evolution also in higher school-worlds [3].

In his own astral plane, a spirit can know what happens and intervene in the planes inferior to his world, but he cannot intervene on higher planes, nor have access to the knowledge available in these planes.

On the physical plane, the fluidic matter condenses to form physical particles. These are then worked by forces, in processes of aggregation and disaggregation, to make up atoms, molecules, organisms, etc., in an order of increasing complexity. Forces of the physical plane act on this organized matter, and cannot act on superior planes, where matter is less dense.


We have seen that the more evolved is the force, the higher is the astral plane to which it belongs and the less dense is the matter upon which it constantly operates producing phenomena. In each astral plane, matter is characterized by its density. Thoughts are wave irradiations produced by specific vibrations of the spirit, incarnated or not. These irradiations, like all waves, propagate at different speeds in different density mediums.

Let us open parentheses to remember that the waves emitted by thought are not electromagnetic waves, as we have already found erroneously stated in many texts. Electromagnetic waves are produced by electrons in motion and these are formed by organized matter, therefore, of the physical plane. In any astral plane, thought propagates in waves, but not electromagnetic, because these belong to the physical plane. Let's close parentheses.

Inferior thoughts are characterized by very low frequencies. Because the energy is proportional to the frequency [2], the inferior thoughts do not have enough energy to reach higher planes. Hence, thoughts generated by selfishness, adoration, hatred, and such, do not reach superior spirits.

The dimensions of the physical plane

In the physical plane we can detect three spatial dimensions [4]. As an incarnate spirit, only by the irradiations produced by our thoughts can we reach more than three dimensions. If these irradiations are crude, they will not pass from the physical plane, being confined here.

Hence, by "elevating" our thoughts we will be irradiating high frequency waves that are capable of reaching high planes, superior planes, the superior astral planes.

After being disincarnated, it is still through the action of the thought activated by the will that we will pass through the astral planes accessible to us.

We see, then, how important it is to study what thought is, which reminds us that this is a great time to recapitulate the content of the chapter "Thought" in the book Christian Rationalism.

As we have said, the physical plane is made up of three spatial dimensions. In them, force operates over matter to form and organize bodies, and produce phenomena.

It belongs to the physical plane everything that we can observe with our eyes or with the aid of instruments that detect electromagnetic radiations (light, radar, heat, etc). Thus, all the stars, constellations, galaxies, black holes, etc. belong to the physical plane. They are all three-dimensional objects.

We can call the three dimensions of the physical plane of length, width, and height. How could we understand, or imagine, these dimensions of the physical plane? If we can understand them, we will have an open path to try to imagine what the fourth dimension would be. In order to shed some light on this subject, let's do a little exercise.

Consider a point marked by the tip of a pencil on a sheet of paper. It is said that this point has dimension zero. In fact, although it is only one point, physically it has three dimensions, because it is formed by the graphite of the pencil and graphite is made up of carbon atoms, which are three-dimensional objects. But as we are not concerned with rigor and, rather, we intend to only illustrate ideas using simple models, let us forget this detail of the atoms and continue our exercise.

If we move the pencil on the sheet, we draw a line, which can be straight or curved, it does not matter. Fig. 1A shows a line generated by this process of point movement. This line has one dimension. Thus, from an "object" of dimension zero, we generate another one of dimension one. In Fig. 1A, the arrow shows the direction of the movement from the point when generating the line.

On the same sheet of paper, move the line from Fig. 1A upwards. We generate a surface that appears in red in Fig. 1B. A surface has two dimensions. Thus, from an object of dimension one, we generate another of dimension two. The arrow shows the direction of the movement of the line when generating the plane.

Let's continue our process by moving the red surface off the sheet of paper. We will have the object of Fig. 1C, in which we painted the surface blue that was moved up. Fig. 1C could represent a cube, which is a three-dimensional object. This cube rests on the sheet of paper occupying the area in red. Thus, from a two-dimensional object we generated another of three dimensions.

Fig. 1 Generating dimensions in the physical plane

In this sequence of processes, we have seen that we can generate objects of larger dimension from a smaller dimension. Fig. 1A, a line, represents a one-dimensional universe. Fig. 1B, a surface, represents a two-dimensional universe, and we have in Fig. 1C a representation of a universe of dimension three, our physical plane.

We should not carry to the letter what was said above. That is, one should not think that the one-dimensional universe is a line segment, that the two-dimensional universe is a square and that the three-dimensional universe is a cube. The figures we have constructed serve only to illustrate our discussion of the dimensions of physical space.

A one-dimensional "being", therefore, belonging to the universe 1A, can move only forward and backwards. In his vocabulary the words "left" and "right" do not exist, for these directions belong to a larger universe than his. He does not know, and cannot imagine, therefore, how to move "out" of his universe, for this would imply knowing that there is a universe of dimension two. On the other hand, even if he had this knowledge, he would not know how to get out of his universe and reach the one of larger dimension, because he has no idea what "left" and "right" directions are.

Now a two-dimensional being, belonging to the plane, can move forward, back, left, and right. But, he cannot move "up" or "down" because these are unknown concepts, not part of his vocabulary. He may suspect of the existence of a three-dimensional universe, but he does not know how to reach the third dimension because he has no knowledge of the "up" and "down" directions and how to penetrate them.

To summarize: in order to advance to a two-dimensional universe, a one-dimensional being must move in a direction perpendicular to his universe (see Fig. 1). He has no idea where that direction points to. Remember that there are no "left" and "right" concepts for him. In the same way, for a two-dimensional being to reach the third dimension, it would have to make a movement perpendicular to the dimensions of his universe. Where he points this perpendicular to, he has no idea, since in his vocabulary the words "up" and "down" do not exist.

Continuing our exercise, let us consider a three-dimensional being, one of us for example. We can move forward, back, left, right, up and down. But we do not know how to move in the direction of the fourth dimension. To advance on a fourth dimension we must have the notion of a perpendicular direction to our whole physical world. In the representation of the cube, this direction would be perpendicular, at the same time, to all the faces of the cube. What direction is that? We do not know, we cannot imagine or define it, because for this we would need concepts and words that are not in our vocabulary.

Let us open parentheses to remind us that after the president's teachings (in a Christian Rationalist house), it is not uncommon for an obsessed spirit caught up in the currents of Christian Rationalism to ask to be shown the way to his (spiritual) world. In his disturbed state he has no idea how to reach superior planes, for he must move in a perpendicular direction to the three dimensions of the physical plane. Only the Forces of the Superior Astral hold this knowledge and can thus direct them. Let's close parentheses.

We can now ask: in the process we describe to generate universes of superior dimension is there something common in all cases? The answer is yes and in it is the key that we should take into account whenever we are thinking of exploring the fourth dimension. That keyword is "movement."

In our exercise, universes of superior dimension were reached through the movement of a "being" of the universe of inferior dimension. This movement was carried out in a perpendicular direction to his universe. Thus, by moving a line (of dimension one) in a direction perpendicular to itself, we arrive at a universe of dimension two (a plane); moving the plane in a perpendicular direction to itself, we reach a universe of dimension three (the cube). This led us to conclude that in order to reach a universe of dimension four, we must move the cube in a perpendicular direction to all its faces. Let us then emphasize the idea of movement and ask ourselves: What produces a movement? We already know that matter is inert, so it cannot move on its own. Physics teaches us that the cause of a movement, whatever it may be, is always a force. It is by the action of a force, therefore, that one can take an object from a "lesser" universe to a "greater" one. And it is this force that points to the perpendicular directions we have been discussing. The force therefore has knowledge of these directions.

Action of the force in astral planes

A two-dimensional being can interfere in a one-dimensional universe. From a two-dimensional space one can produce a phenomenon in a one-dimensional space, but a one-dimensional being cannot intervene in universes of superior dimension. He simply does not know where that universe is. In terms of astral planes, let us remember that a force (spirit) has knowledge of what happens on the inferior planes from the one it belongs to, but has no idea of what takes place on superior planes. This Christian Rationalism has been teaching us for a long time.

Digressions about a fourth dimension

We learn a lot when we can draw a parallel between what we want to understand and the knowledge we already have. To try to understand what would be a four-dimensional being, let us first consider a two-dimensional universe and a three-dimensional being belonging, therefore, to a plane higher than two dimensions. This is a situation that it is not difficult to understand, as we will show next.

Figure 2 shows a two-dimensional being confined in a room of closed doors and windows, therefore, without exits. The room is represented by the rectangle drawn with thick lines. He cannot get out of this environment. However, a three-dimensional being can pick him up, elevate him to the third dimension, and then lead him back out of the room by depositing him in his flat world. Let's assume that this series of actions has been accomplished.

All those who witnessed the phenomenon will be amazed by what happened. They will think that the individual has passed through the walls! However, what happened was simply a movement of the individual to a superior dimension passing over the walls of the room and returning to the plane of origin, out of the room. There was no passage through the walls but, rather, a journey through the third dimension. Not even the being transported out of the room is able to explain what happened, for his consciousness was shaped by two-dimensional experiences. When taken to the third dimension, his consciousness is "turned off." By nature, he has no structure to perceive the extra dimension.

Fig 2. Passage "through"walls

Within this line of reasoning, a four-dimensional being can remove a three-dimensional being from a room where he is confined. He just has to transport him to the fourth dimension and then bring him back.

We won't go any further on this matter. But the reader already has enough material to put his imagination into action. For those who like these cogitations, we recommend the books Flatland (Abbott), Speculations on the fourth dimension (Rucker, ed.), Geometry, relativity and the fourth dimension. (Rucker) (see bibliography).

For those who do not understand English, there is an extensive article in Portuguese on the fourth dimension that clarifies and uses many of the concepts developed in Abbott and Rucker cited texts. Interested parties can visit the address (May 2007):



Need for an extra dimension

We already know that force acts on matter producing phenomena. A force can act on its own plane and on planes of inferior dimensions. However, to perform some phenomena in a given plane, force needs to take advantage of extra dimensions.

To clarify this situation, let's do a little experiment.

Let's take a piece of cardboard - a piece of any package, cereal, candy, etc. - and draw on it two triangles as shown in Fig. 3A. The size of the triangles is not important, but should have the same length sides, two by two. Choose a size that is comfortable to draw and cut.

Let's cut Figure 3A to obtain the two triangles shown in Fig. 3B.

Fig. 3. Cutting triangles

Now, by sliding one of the triangles on the surface of the table, let's try to place it on top of each other so they match. No matter how hard we try, we will not be able to.

If the phenomenon we want to produce is precisely to make the two triangles coincide, we will never achieve our goal if we sit on the surface of the table. However, if we are given an extra dimension, we can execute the task.

Let's do the following: lift one of the triangles above the surface of the table and rotate it in space so that the face below is facing up. Figure 4 shows the two triangles: what was left on the table (red) and what we raised from the table and turned (shown in blue to indicate that we are looking at the bottom of it).

Fig. 4. Matching triangles

It is now possible to place the triangle over the other so that they match.

Moral of the story: In order to perform our task, we had to take a triangle from the surface of the table (a two-dimensional space) to the third dimension and, on this superior plane, rotate it before returning it to the inferior plane.

This simple example illustrates the fact already mentioned that certain phenomena in a given plane can only be performed by forces acting on planes of superior dimensions.

As the Superior Forces have access to dimensions greater than three, they are capable of producing phenomena on the physical plane that are impossible with the resources of the physical world.

Let's open parentheses to make an observation. The two triangles of Fig. 3 are not identical, as they appear to be. They differ by an attribute called chirality. It is possible that the physical reality of chirality has been discovered in the study of sugar molecules. Two similar objects, but of different chirality, are, in fact, mirror images of each other. Let's close parentheses.


The universe has many dimensions. We do not know how many. In three of them is organized the physical plane, where are located all the bodies that we can detect with our organs and the instruments of observation.

In their process of evolution, forces act on matter belonging to their own world to produce phenomena. In each of these worlds, matter has a different density, being less and less dense when one advances to the superior planes.

The matter proper to the physical plane was structured and organized by forces acting on fluidic matter, which permeates the whole universe.

Thoughts produce waves of varying frequencies. According to the quality of thought, these waves will be retained and confined in the physical plane, or they may reach superior astral planes.

The incarnated spirit is a force that acts on the astral body, formed of matter proper to the world to which it belongs. Through the astral body, the spirit acts upon his physical body.

We have a great deal of knowledge of what physical phenomena are and how they are produced, but we have no idea of the nature of the phenomena that occur on superior planes. This knowledge will be within our reach in school-worlds superior to the school-world Earth.

The nature of the phenomena that force can produce depends on the number of dimensions of the astral world in which force operates. To learn to produce phenomena of high order, forces pass through appropriate school-worlds.


[1] Aguilera, Valdir. Force and Matter
[2] Aguilera, Valdir. The vibrations of the force.
[4] Aguilera, Valdir. Space, time and space-time (in Portuguese)
[5] Abbott, Edwin A., Flatland, Dover, NY. 1952.
Available at
[6] Speculations on the fourth dimension, selected writings of Charles H. Hinton, ed. Rucker, Rudolf v. B. Dover, NY. 1980.
[7] Rucker, Rudolf v. B., Geometry, relativity and the fourth dimension. Dover, NY. 1977.

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